Today we put up the American Norton website and launched the Facebook fan page. It’s taken a long time to get to this point. I’ll post about all that history in the near future.
But the ball’s rolling and that’s what matters. Dave, who teased the Access Norton forum with hints about this project back in September (where he took some heat for the long subsequent delay), has finally been able to make his big announcement to his fellow Norton enthusiasts.
For my part, I’m a bit overwhelmed with a combination of excitement and trepidation. I’ve got some pretty big knots in my stomach as I write this and start telling random strangers that I’m going to make a feature film.
This will be the place to keep up with the production. Our notes here will provide some early peeks for the motorcycle fans and the trials and tribulations of production for all my filmmaking friends. Please check in often. It’s going to be a great ride.
Looking forward to seeing what you produce. Good luck.
Good luck. Can’t wait to see the film.
It says in Tom’s bio that he lives with his girlfriend and their three motorcycles, ages 8, 15 and 30. What kind of motorcycles are they? LOL Keep up the GREAT work guys, I am really looking forward to this.
I can’t believe someone read the bio! I actually need to update it — we just sold off our youngest to buy a new editing station to make this movie.
What’s left is a 1995 BMW R100GS PD (I’ve always been partial to dual sports) and a 1980 Kawasaki KZ440 LTD that was a hand-me-down from my mother.
Thanks for the support and encouragement.
I first heard about your project on the website, and then followed the links to, and now here.
I’m a Norton owner, (1975 and 1974 850 Commandos), and I work in the film business. I’ve recently relocated to southern California. I’d like to offer my services, and my rides, (up to a point) for your doc. If you need an editor, or any Art Department help, or if you need a place to stay in Los Angeles, please let me know.
Good Luck!
Thanks for the offer, John! We may take you up on that! I’ll send you an email.
Out of curiosity Aren’t they also trying to bring the Norton back in England?
I was looking at the “1st” bike brought into Canada while at Mosport in August.
This was fresh from the crate with under 20 km on the clock.
In 2008 the assets of the American company were sold to Stuart Garner in the UK. We’ll cover the relationship of the U.S. work to the bike that’s being delivered today in the film.
Finally, something exciting to get us through these long New England winters. Can’t wait for more details: film completion date; distribution; DVD, etc.
This is the place to get those updates!
Great site Tom! Can’t wait to see the film.
Chase your dreams.
I look forward to the movie. It will be good to get the side of the story from the westcoast perspective.
I hope that you will consider letting the Norton Owners club list know about the progress of your movie.
Rick, I’m not a member of the NOC and didn’t want to join the list just to pimp for the movie. It seemed self-serving. But if you guys want me to send a note to the list when we post an update, I’d be happy to do that. Or one of you can sign up for the mailing list here and get notified whenever we update the production blog. Your email address is used solely for announcements about our films and you can unsubscribe any time.